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What is CPWM/Circle #1?

CPWM stands for Cumberland Presbyterian Women’s Ministry. It’s the organization of all women in the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination, whether active or inactive, for the purpose of worship, Bible study, service, and outreach/missions. There was a time, many years ago, when Greeneville Cumberland Presbyterian Church had a large number of active members. This lead to the concept of several CPWM groups named Circles numbered 1 through 6, with oversight from an Executive Board. Each Circle elected officers and scheduled meetings according to their needs. They often met in the homes of members enjoying refreshments, devotion and/or Bible studies, information and updates from the denomination, and their business, programs, and outreach/missions work.


Over time, circumstances and life choices drastically changed the number of active members in CPWM, thus our remaining Circle #1. Following is a glance at most of the activities of Circle #1 from 2023 to 2024:

- Ladies Luncheon (for all ladies of the church)

- Holiday Celebration Dinner

- Cards mailed to church family (at least 8 times a year)

- Least Coin Project

- Building Fund

- Mobile Meals (4 times a year)

-SOUPer Bowl of Caring

- Hosted regional CPWM PResbytery Meeting

- Fall road trip and visit to Coalition of Appalachian Ministries (CAM)

- Gift to the King

- Donation to the Lucille Barham Scholarship

- Sponsor Operation Christmas Child

- Monetary gifts to the area Food Bank, Hope Center, Coal Fund, and CAM

- Ice Cream Social

- Wedding shower for Casey & Denise



Circle #1 cordially invites all the women of GCPC to join us, as you are able, as we reconvene on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 5:00pm in the Covenant Life Room. We look forward to interested women being a part of our projects and comaraderie. We hope to see YOU there!

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